Buyers Section

Once you have carefully reviewed the product description and terms and are satisfied, you can proceed by placing an order with us.

The process of placing an order is straightforward: just choose the desired item or service, add it to your cart, and proceed to checkout by utilizing cryptocurrency as the payment method.

We are one of the very few sites that offers real value for your crypto and we are the only one that guarantees to give you your crypto back in a case where you weren’t given what was originally promised.

For the safety and security of our customers as well as our network, accounts access is only given to customers once they go over a total threshold of $500 in purchases using the same email address.

We give 3rd party independent sellers their account access upon approval immediately so that they can track sales and answer our queries in a timely manner. 

New customers do not need an account to make purchases. Simply add the product or service that you’re interested in and go through checkout as normal.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing in the whole process is your email, make sure that you use the same email every time you make a purchase and once your account will come to our attention (after it goes over the $500 threshold) we will give you access to your account login.

Good Question! 

We will not bore you with mindless talk and empty promises, we believe our customers are not stupid we have a brand reputation that we have built over years of experience and by providing value to our clients, we poured all that reputation of ours in this business.

There are several compelling reasons why you can trust our business. Firstly, we have a proven track record of providing high-quality products/services and maintaining customer satisfaction to the max. Our numerous positive reviews and testimonials speak to the reliability and trustworthiness of our business.

Secondly, we prioritize transparency and open communication, ensuring that you are well informed about our products, terms, and policies. Lastly, our dedicated customer support team is always available to address any concerns or inquiries you may have, further demonstrating our commitment to providing a trustworthy and reliable experience.

Although PayPal may be the most secure payment processor out there it certainly isn’t the most private! When you are running a business of such nature as ours PayPal is the least suitable method out there.

For your own protection and privacy, we only accept cryptocurrencies at present.

When contacting our support via Telegram or Contact-us form you need to ensure that you provide us with the email you used while placing the order and our support will be able to track your account in question to help you further.


First of all, we would like to thank you for choosing as your trusted source for selling your Products & Services.

At we genuinely take immense pride in offering top-quality products/services and ensuring our customer’s satisfaction throughout their shopping experience.

We prioritize product transparency, and reliability, and mix those with exceptional customer service. We strive to provide accurate and detailed descriptions of our products, along with clear terms and conditions, so that our customers can make informed decisions.

With that being said, all of what we offer is backed by our Cryoto back guarantee therefore it’s imperative for our clients to have the correct knowledge and understanding of our products and services at

We genuinely appreciate your interest in our business and the trust you have placed in us. We are committed to delivering an outstanding experience from the moment you become our trusted partner.

Your success is part of our success, and we look forward to working with you please contact us via our contact us form and we will be happy to chat with you.

Once you are approved as a trusted seller we will provide you with all the relevant details to track the sales of your products and services as well as access to our private telegram channel for sellers.

Once the time period for our Crypto Back Guarantee has passed we then send the funds to the seller’s nominated Crypto currency account (minus our fees).

If you are an independent seller working with us to sell your products then you must remember that most products that are on sale come with a Crypto Back Guarantee which means that we are promising our customers that we will provide them with what’s explained in the description or else we will return their crypto.

That’s up to our customers to ask for a replacement product or service otherwise we offer to return the funds to protect our brand and its reputation, beside those it’s also the right thing to do.

Commission in Sales that we charge our vendors depends on various factors such as:

  • Type of Products & Services
  • Demand & Value
  • Risk of Refund 

We are committed to delivering an outstanding experience from the moment you are approved as a trusted seller. Please get in touch with our dedicated team by Telegram or by filling out a Contact Us form.